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Teaching Staff


Nuno Alpalhão is a researcher at NOVA Cidade - Urban Analytics Lab at NOVA IMS, having been involved in several research projects such as CTECH, Urban CoCreation Lab, Data4Oeiras, etc. His research interests focus on Urban Mobility, namely in ways to apply Data Science methods, data oriented, in the thematic of Smart Cities. He is also an Adjunt Lecturer at NOVA IMS, teaching several courses in various MSc programs. Obtained a BSc in Pure Mathematics by FCT at Universidade Nova (Lisbon Portugal) and a MSc in Data Science at NOVA IMS. He is currently doing his PhD in Information Management at NOVA IMS.

Scientific Publications

Hassam, S., Alpalhão, N., & Neto, M. D. C. (2024)

A Spatiotemporal Comparative Analysis of Docked and Dockless Shared Micromobility Services. Smart Cities, 7(2), 880-912.

Jardim, B., Alpalhão, N., Sarmento, P., & Neto, M. D. C. (2022)

The Illegal Parking Score: Understanding and predicting the risk of parking illegalities in Lisbon based on spatiotemporal features. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(3), 1816-1826.

Jardim, B., Neto, M. D. C., Alpalhão, N., & Calçada, P. (2022)

The Daily Urban Dynamic Indicator: Gauging the urban dynamic in Porto during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sustainable Cities and Society, [103714]. [Advanced Online publication in 24 January 2022].

Alpalhão, N., Sarmento, P., Pinheiro, F. L., Tremoceiro, J., & Neto, M. D. C. (2022)

Prediction and simulation of the risk of traffic accidents using neural networks and gradient boosting with an hybrid classification/regression modelling approach in urban context. In Livro de Resumos da Conferência do Projeto de Investigação Científica “Fatores de Transformação Urbana (DRIVIT-UP)” em conjunto com I Conferência sobre Ciência de Dados para Ciências Sociais e VI Conferência de Planeamento Regional e Urbano. [Abstract book from the Conference of the Scientific Research Project “Drivers of urban transformation (DRIVIT-UP)” a joitly event with I Conference on Data Science for the Social Sciences And VI Conference on Regional and Urban Planning] (pp. 52-55). UA Editora.

Jardim, B., Neto, M. D. C., Alpalhão, N., & Calçada, P. (2022)

Indicador Diário de Dinâmica Urbana para o Porto. In Livro de Resumos da Conferência do Projeto de Investigação Científica “Fatores de Transformação Urbana (DRIVIT-UP)” em conjunto com I Conferência sobre Ciência de Dados para Ciências Sociais e VI Conferência de Planeamento Regional e Urbano. [Abstract book from the Conference of the Scientific Research Project “Drivers of urban transformation (DRIVIT-UP)” a joitly event with I Conference on Data Science for the Social Sciences And VI Conference on Regional and Urban Planning] (pp. 131-133). UA Editora.

Alpalhão, N., Neto, M. D. C., & Motta, M. (2021)

Visualizing the Impact of COVID-19 in the Mobility Dynamics: A Dashboard Framework for Decision Support in Smart Cities. In S. Shirowzhan (Ed.), Data Visualization [Working Title] (pp. 1-12)